University of Missouri

美 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti əv məˈzʊri]英 [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti ɒv mɪˈzʊəri]
  • 网络密苏里大学;密苏里州;美国密苏里大学
University of MissouriUniversity of Missouri
  1. Now , University of Missouri researchers have found that exercising during weight regain can maintain improvements in metabolic health and disease risk .


  2. The writer is professor of economics at the University of Missouri


  3. The University of Missouri has a single case of breast cancer on line , with different options presented to the student .


  4. Researchers at the University of Missouri looked at how viewers of these ads absorb the message .


  5. At the University of Missouri , the drum major leads a marching band of more than 300 members .


  6. Andrew : We went on to the University of Missouri , where I got a master 's degree in applied mathematics .


  7. Rebecca Meisenbach at the University of Missouri in Columbia interviewed fifteen women .


  8. 1991 education university of missouri .


  9. Elizabeth Martin , a doctoral student from the University of Missouri , led the latest study into working ( immediate ) memory .


  10. Researchers at the University of Missouri developed a tool that allows doctors to view electronic information about patients'health conditions related to diabetes on a single computer screen .


  11. Now , a University of Missouri research team has developed a soybean which produces oil that is naturally low in saturated and trans fats .


  12. He studied journalism at the University of Missouri and worked in advertising for a decade before taking a marketing job at Pizza Hut in 1986 .


  13. Brad Pitt , actor and heartthrob , was two credits shy of a journalism degree from the University of Missouri .


  14. Gretchen Gregory is an instructor at the Sinclair School of Nursing on the Columbia campus of the University of Missouri .


  15. The average time a stock is held is22 seconds , as computerized high-speed trading accounts for most transactions , according to analysts at the University of Missouri .


  16. Researchers from the University of Missouri and Imperial College London have found evidence suggesting why vaccines directed against the virus that causes AIDS and many cancers do not work .


  17. These choices tend to reflect more serious problems with executive functioning , added Jenny Larkins , a graduate student in clinical psychology at the University of Missouri .


  18. The research builds on a University of Missouri study published in January . which found that bring separated from your iPhone can have a real psychological and physiological effect , including impaired thinking .


  19. Research from a team at the University of Missouri has shown that drunken people are still aware they 're making a mistake , but the alcohol reduces brain signals telling us to worry .


  20. Money scored last on the list of psychological needs that create happiness and fulfillment , according to a study by Kennon Sheldon , psychologist at the University of Missouri - - Columbia .


  21. The University of Missouri at Columbia 's student recreation center the best rec center in the country , which has an indoor lazy river and waterfall surrounded by palm trees 。


  22. One of Organovo 's founders , Gabor Forgacs of the University of Missouri , developed the prototype on which the new3D bio-printer is based .


  23. While this isn 't too surprising , research from the University of Missouri shows those who tweet cheat . The more often a person uses Twitter , the more often they have relationship conflicts , like affairs .


  24. Rebecca Meisenbach at the University of Missouri in Columbia interviewed fifteen women . She found they all valued their independence and many enjoyed having the power of control , though not all wanted it .


  25. An unidentified donor gave three hundred thousand dollars to build the new room . The University of Missouri describes it as one of the first of its kind at a nursing school in the United States . Pictures are at .


  26. In an hour at a singles bar , average-looking women could be approached by up to four men , found Monica Moore in her study at the University of Missouri . What were these sirens doing ?


  27. But the sheer scale of initiatives undertaken to date , and the apparent need for successive waves of government intervention are an unsettling indication of the magnitude and the tenacity of the problem being confronted , according to economics professor Lawrence White of the University of Missouri .


  28. While other primate babies can fend for themselves in roughly a decade , human childhood stretches 18 to 20 years , said David Geary of the University of Missouri and author of Male , Female : Evolution of Human Sex Differences ( American Psychological Association , 1998 ) .


  29. There has been a big debate in China for years about the overemphasis on the pursuit of gold medals , ' says Susan Brownell , a professor of anthropology at the University of Missouri , St. Louis , who has written extensively about Chinese sports . '


  30. According to a new US research , genes do act as a deciding factor in deciding your level of activity and motivation for the same . Researchers from the University of Missouri reached the above conclusion by performing the experiment by breeding rats which were either extremely active or extremely indolent , selectively .
